A Message from the WITA Board of Directors
The New York State Teachers’ Retirement System (NYSTRS) has provided retirement, disability, and death benefits to public school teachers and administrators since its establishment in 1921. It is one of the nation's most secure and well-funded pension systems, providing benefits to over 175,000 retirees.
Many changes have been made to NYSTRS during its existence, including the modification of existing tiers and the implementation of new ones. The most significant recent change was the creation of a new tier in April of 2012: Tier 6. The creation of this new tier significantly increased the contribution for all members hired after April 1, 2012, while at the same time reducing their retirement benefits.
A career in public education is both a noble and rewarding profession that requires a commitment that goes beyond the classroom. Thirty years of hard work and dedication has long been considered a full career, after which those working in education earned a secure retirement. This is no longer true for our friends and colleagues in Tier Six.
We strongly believe these changes created many inequities among members who do the same work and are now being treated differently. NYSUT is working to correct these changes through their campaign to Fix Tier 6. Accomplishing this is about maintaining solidarity, fairness, and dignity in our profession. Reforming Tier 6 is also about recruiting and keeping a new generation of talented educators in classrooms, ensuring a quality education system and a bright future for our students. For more information or to join NYSUT’s effort to Fix Tier 6, click HERE. Please sign up today