Date Posted

A Message from the WITA Executive Board

In today’s workplace, where power often is in the hands of employers, the benefits of union membership have never been clearer. Unions emerged to give workers a voice in shaping their members' benefits, conditions, and wages through collective bargaining. Individuals can be powerless alone, but when they join together, they can improve their workplace and protect against exploitation and unfair treatment. Union membership often brings increased wages, improved healthcare, a secure retirement, and a sense of community among colleagues. 

There are organizations dedicated to reducing workers' power to protect the benefits that have been achieved. One such organization is the Freedom Foundation. This is an organization funded by anti-public education donors seeking to undermine public schools. In recent weeks they have been contacting NYSUT members using mailers and e-mail trying to drive a wedge between the union and its members. We want to make you aware of their campaign and the deceptive language they use about offering “freedom” and “choice” to reach their destructive ends.

Should you be contacted, or receive an e-mail or mailer, here is what we ask you to do:

  • If you receive a postcard or mailer, we ask that you simply throw it away.
  • For emails, please unsubscribe or mark it as junk.
  • If you are contacted by phone or in person, simply reply, “I stand with my union.”
  • Please DO NOT FORWARD any emails, and DO NOT POST content from anything you receive.

In addition, make a union officer aware so we can keep all members informed. For additional information, please click here or see the flyer below.


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