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Each year, the West Islip Teachers’ Association awards scholarships to graduating seniors of WITA members. The Scholarship Committee, led by WITA Secretary Karen McCarthy and which includes Celia Field, Trish Hinchman, Siobhan Kelly, Debbie Magee, Theresa Robertson, Maureen Sanchez, Tina Schaefer, Kathleen Scrivani, and Christine Wittneben, chose three recipients to award. The winners were recognized, and the scholarships were handed out at this year’s WITA General Membership meeting on May 31st. In addition to WITA scholarships, the Long Island Presidents Council (LIPC) awards scholarships to graduating seniors of in-service NYSUT local members. This year, three winners were chosen from the applications submitted by WITA. The 2024 scholarship recipients were:

WITA Memorial Scholarships

  • Ashlynn Foster – daughter of Kristen Foster @ Manetuck
  • Gianna Maniscalco – daughter of Christine Maniscalco @ WIHS
  • Margaret Yost – daughter of Nancy Yost @ WIHS

Long Island President’s Council Scholarships

  • Ashlynn Foster – daughter of Kristen Foster @ Manetuck
  • Ella Holt – daughter of Michelle Holt @ Udall Road MS
  • Brayden Robertson – daughter of Theresa Robertson @ Beach St. MS
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