Only 27 percent of public educators and school district employees are saving for retirement and many educators do not have access to Social Security, and reforms in state retirement systems are reducing retirement benefits. Therefore, for school district employees, the importance of personal savings in 403(b) plans is more critical to their retirement security than ever.
NTSA created a one-hour comprehensive retirement educational program that is available to school districts and their employees across America. The NTSA educational program is vendor-neutral and does not include any specific investment product recommendations. Attendees of the program gain a greater awareness of what they will need to save to supplement their pension plan and Social Security and how to take action. This educational program will be taking place on Tuesday, February 15th, from 3:30-4:30. It will be hosted by Edward Magett and will be held virtually via Zoom. Click on the link below to register.
Anyone who missed our retirement seminar in November and is interested in attending a Teacher Retirement System webinar, Eric Iberger will be holding one on Monday, March 7th, starting at 5:30 pm. Click here for more information and registration links.