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As August comes to a close and we get ready to return for another school year, we hope you had the opportunity to rest, relax, visit with family and friends, and enjoy good weather wherever the summer took you. Every school year brings a fresh start, the chance to do things differently, and fine-tune our craft. It allows us to try new ideas and bring new skills to the classroom, shaping the future of our students.

This year, we welcome twelve new teachers in what promises to be an excellent group of new teachers. The Executive Board had the chance to meet our new members at their New Teacher Orientation, and we look forward to working alongside them.

 This year, we welcome:


Their positive energy and fresh ideas will add to the strengths of our incredible staff, and we wish them great success as they begin their careers at West Islip!

As you return to your classrooms, we thank you for all the hard work and effort you give to the West Islip students each year. Your dedication and professionalism are the backbone of the West Islip School District and reinforce the community's respect for those in our profession. We wish you continued success and look forward to seeing you throughout the coming school year!

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